Friday, October 16, 2009

What I Dislike about Living in Peru

In the last post I shared what I liked about living in Iquitos, Peru.

Yes, there are some things that I dislike about living in Peru.

First, regardless of how long I live here...or the charity work I do...I will always be considered a "gringo"...a foreigner.

Second, NO one is punctual down here! If a person tells me he will meet me at eleven and doesn't arrive until noon or twelve thirty, he is considered "on time."

Third, crossing the street is taking your life into your own hands! The person driving a motorized vehicle believes he has the right of way. Of course, I find that when I return to Atlanta!

I will next discuss what a unique jungle town Iquitos is.

Amazon Leon Jones

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Why I'm Blogging

The purpose of this blog is to allow people to share their experiences living in the Amazon Rain Forest - both the ex-pats who live here and with people who would like to learn more about this unique part of the world.

I am going to kick this off with some of my experiences of living in Iquitos, Peru on the Amazon River.

First I LOVE the culture down here! Children are usually respectful of their elders especially when encountering an older person. Children greet them with a respectful "Buenas Dias." Another thing I particular like is that friends stick together and are REAL friends.

The weather is (almost) always comfortable once you get use to the punishing tropical sun. The temperature will rarely drop below 70 degrees.

On week-ends, downtown is packed with families strolling through the downtown Plaza de Armas. Unlike my hometown of Atlanta, Georgia, it is SAFE to walk through downtown Iquitos even at night!

Next time I will share some of things that I'm not thrilled about. Please also share any experineces you have had living here.

Amazon Leon Jones